Wii Nunchuck Joystick & Arduino

Wii Nunchuck Joystick & Arduino


In this project I’ve connected the Arduino board to a touch panel and then I represent the points where the touch panel is pressed in the screen of my laptop using a Processing program that reads the data of the serial port.

Figure 1: Arduino connected to the touch panel.


1 x Arduino Uno and USB wire
1 x Wii Nunchuck
1 x Wii Nunchuck adapter


The assembly is very simple with the WiiChuck Adapter. This is a small PCB designed to be inserted into the connector of a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck to provide access to all 4 wires of the remote control. The WiiChuck allows you to interface with the Nunchuck without making a mess and cutting the wires.  It use the I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) for communicating with the little stick has four pins called: -, +, c, d. They are connected to GND, +5V, SDA and SCK respectively. For more information about the I2C and how use the Wii Nunchuck with Arduino you can read the book of the reference [1] or see [2]. Simplest way for starting is downloading a Wiichuck library for Arduino. In [3], everything is explained very well.

Figure 3: Snapshot of Processing program.


The results are shown in the next video.


[1] Programming Interactivity by Joshua Noble. Published by O’Reilly.


Create Arduino and Processing codes for using the buttons and the accelerometer of the Wii Nunchuck for having total control over the device.


Processing Code:
//Library for read the serial data sent from Arduino to the Laptop
import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;

int baudRate = 9600;
int lf = 10;//SPACE

//Variables globales
int Lados=8;
int led;
float Radio=150,TamanoLed=26;
color Rojo=color(255,0,0);
color Limon=color(255,255,100);

void setup()
  size(400, 400); //Tamaño del programa
  //En esta parte se configura el objeto que lee el puerto serie
  println(Serial.list());// List all the available serial ports: 5
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[3], baudRate); //In my case, COM9 is the Arduino board and it is in the fourth place.
  background(150);//Color de fondo

  //En esta parte se dibuja el hexágono
  noFill();//Los poligonos no tienen color
  stroke(0);//Color de la línea
  strokeWeight(3);//Grosor de la línea
  poligono(Lados,width/2,height/2,Radio);//Dibuja el hexágono
  //En esta parte se dibujan las bombillas leds
  strokeWeight(2);//Grosor de la línea

void  draw()

    Leds(Lados,width/2,height/2,Radio-2,TamanoLed);//Le resto 2 al radio para que dibuje el círculo más centrado

/*Esta función dibuja un poligono de lado "n", radio "r".
**Cx y Cy son las coordenadas iniciales donde se comenzará a dibujar el polígono
void poligono(int n, float cx, float cy, float r)
  float angle = 360.0 / n;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    vertex(cx + r * sin(radians(angle * i)), cy + r * cos(radians(angle * i)));

/*Esta función dibuja los "n"a una distancia entre ellos de  "r"
**Esta basado en la función del pológono.
void Leds(int n,float cx,float cy,float r, float dim)
  int offset=-90;//I've to put an offset of 45º I want that the number one will be on top center
  float angle = (360/ n);//Eight sides is equal to angles of 45º
  if(led==0)  fill(Limon);
  else        fill(Rojo);
  ellipse(width/2,height/2,TamanoLed,TamanoLed);  //En esta parte dibujo un punto negro en el medio
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    if(i==led)  fill(Limon);
    else        fill(Rojo);
    ellipse(cx + r * sin(radians(angle * i-45)), cy + r * (-cos(radians(angle * i-45))),dim,dim);

//Interruption of the serial port
void serialEvent(Serial p)
  String inString;

    inString = (myPort.readString());
    led =int(inString.substring(0,inString.length() - 2));
  }catch(Exception e)


Arduino Code:
/*Code for a Wii Nunchuck connected to Arduino*/
#include //I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit) Library: Pin4-->Clock, Pin5-->Data
#include "nunchuck_funcs.h"

int pos=0;    //variable to store the servo posotion
byte joyx,joyy;// set the current coordinates as the center points

void setup()
  nunchuck_init(); //Initialize the I2C system, join the I2C bus and tell the nunchuck we're talking to it

void loop()
  signed short int joystickX,joystickY;// The joystick variables
  //Decide the position where the joystick is
  if(joyx<80 data-blogger-escaped-span="">
    if(joyy<80 data-blogger-escaped-pos="6;</span">
    else if(joyy>200) pos=8;
    else pos=7;
  else if(joyx>170)
    if(joyy>200) pos=2;
    else if(joyy<80 data-blogger-escaped-pos="4;</span">
    else pos=3;
    if(joyy>220) pos=1;
    else if(joyy<50 data-blogger-escaped-pos="5;</span">
    else pos=0;