32 Relays and Arduino Mega

Controlling 32 relays
The aim of this project is to control 32 relays with an Android tablet. The Android application sends a message to an Arduino Mega by Bluetooth. Arduino receives the Bluetooth message thanks to a HC-06 Bluetooth device. Arduino decodes the messages and then, activates or deactivates the relays. The period of time of the activation of the relays depends on the value selected in the Android application. The app has 32 sliders for selecting the activation time of the relays.

Figure 1: Image of the relays
1 x Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1’’ with Android 3.1
1 x Arduino Mega
2 x Modules of 16 relays
1 x Module Bluetooth HC-06
1 x Wires
This project is part of a bigger one but in this blog I will only explain the part of controlling the 32 relays by Bluetooth.

The Bluetooth device is connected to the Arduino using the Serial port 3. These pins are 14 for TX3 and 15 for RX3.

Figure 2: HC-06 Bluetooth Module
Each relay module has 16 male pins for connecting to the Arduino. Also, it has one pin for GND and another for +5V. Moreover, the board has a block for powering the relay module with a higher volts supply. In this case, 12V  are provided by a power supply connected to the electrical network.

Figure 3: Module with 16 relays optoacoppler

I’ve used the digital Arduino outputs  from 22 to 53 for connecting the two relays boards to the Arduino Mega.
Figure 4:  Arduino Mega digital pins used for connecting the two relay boards.
The following picture shows how the components must be connected among them.

Figure 5: Schematic of Arduino Mega with the relay and Bluetooth modules

The Android app is connected to the HC-06 Bluetooth module automatically. Then, I select the time of period that the relays are activated. There is a slider for each relay. Also, I can select the timeline sliders to indicate the maximum time the relay can be activated. After that, if the Bluetooth connection is ready, you can press the "Send Text" to transmit a 32-character string button. The data string has the following format:
String dataToSend={‘E’,’:’,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x1B,0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2A,0x2B,0x2C,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,0x30,0x31,0x32,’.’};
The total size of the string is 35 bytes. The first character always is an ‘E’, the second is ‘:’ and the last is ‘.’. The bytes in middle of these characters are the values of time which the relays will be activate. These values are represented in hexadecimal.

At the beginning of this project, I wanted to send the time of the relays with integer format. However, I discovered that the Arduino Serial port has a maximum buffer of 64 bytes. So, if I sent 32 numbers in integer, I will need more than 64 bytes because the ‘int’ format need at least 2 bytes. We can check this easily with Arduino writing something like this:
int  timeRelays[]={100,40,3,4};//an array of 4 integers 
So, the reason why I decided not to sent the data in integer format, it is that the packet to transmit must be less than 64 bytes.

Arduino Mega receives the data  through SPP thanks to the HC-06 Bluetooth module. These data are saved in variable type String. Then, the string of characters are decoded and the values of time for the relays are stored in an array of integers. The array’s size is 32 integers, one integer for each relay.

After getting the time  for each relay, I found the problem of how manage 32 outputs simultaneously. The solution that I adopted was to use the Timer library coded by Simon Monk [3]. This library can be easily downloaded from [4]. I had to modify some lines of the library for my purpose. In the file Timer.h, I changed the line:
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS (10)                 to          #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS (32)
Furthermore,  I made a new method based on the method  timer::oscillate described in the file Timer.cpp. My method is called timer::halfPulse. The only difference respect to  the other method is that the variable repeatCount is always 1 because I only wanted a transition, not a full cycle.
On the appendix is posted the Arduino code.
Figure 6: Android application without Bluetooth connection.
Figure 7: Android application connected to the Arduino.

The Arduino code used in this Project does the following:
1- Initializes the Serial Ports 1 and 3. Sets up the Bluetooth and configures the digital outputs.
2- Arduino makes blinking the Digital Outputs connected to the relays, in order to test if they all work properly. In my case, one relay is damaged.
3-Once the Bluetooth connection is established between the Android tablet and the HC-06 module, the program waits to receive messages. The messages are parsed and if the data is received correctly, Arduino will activate the relays during an interval of time.

The next video shows how the code works:

Instead of using an Arduino Mega for controlling all the relays, I would like to use an Arduino Uno for managing the 32  relays. I think that this idea is possible if I use two  16-channel Analog Multiplexers like the 74HC4067N. This IC need 4 digital outputs an one analog input. I’ve designed the circuit using Eagle. The schematic is the following:

Figure 6: Atmega328 with two multiplexers for controlling 32 relays by Bluetooth.
Arduino code:
#include <Event.h>
#include <Timer.h>
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Timer library coded by Simon Monk
 * Timer.h has been downloaded from this link: http://www.simonmonk.org
 * I've modified the parameter : MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS (10) by #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS (32)
 * Furthermore, I've created a new method from the Oscillate method
 + This new function is called: half-pulse. The unique difference respect to the Oscillate method is: repeatCount=1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
//Digital outputs connected to the relays
#define EV_32    22
#define EV_31    23
#define EV_30    24
#define EV_29    25
#define EV_28    26
#define EV_27    27
#define EV_26    28
#define EV_25    29
#define EV_24    30
#define EV_23    31
#define EV_22    32
#define EV_21    33
#define EV_20    34
#define EV_19    35
#define EV_18    36
#define EV_17    37
#define EV_16    38
#define EV_15    39
#define EV_14    40
#define EV_13    41
#define EV_12    42
#define EV_11    43
#define EV_10    44
#define EV_9     45
#define EV_8     46
#define EV_7     47
#define EV_6     48
#define EV_5     49
#define EV_4     50
#define EV_3     51
#define EV_2     52
#define EV_1     53

//Functions used in this skecth
 void SetupBT(void);
 void readAnswer(void);
 boolean ReceivingMessages(void);

 void SetupRelays(void);
 void TestRelays (void);

Timer t;

int relayIntervals[32];

void setup()

void loop()
  if (ReceivingMessages() == true)
    Serial.println("Interval times for the 32 relays:");
    for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 32; n++)
      Serial.print("["); Serial.print(n + 1); Serial.print("]: ");
      Serial.print("  "); Serial.println(53 - n);
      if (relayIntervals[n] > 0) t.halfPulse(53 - n, relayIntervals[n] * 1000, LOW);
      else digitalWrite(53 - n, HIGH); activa
    }//If the value is 0, the relays is deactivated with a high pulse
*Configuration of the Bluetooth Module*
void SetupBT(void)
  Serial.println("Initializing the Bluetooth, wait a moment please...");

  Serial.println("Bluetooth Version ");
  Serial.println("Nombre: RELAYS");
  Serial.println("9600 Bauds");
  Serial.println("Pin: 1234");
  Serial.println("Configuration finished.");
* Reads the answer of the bluetooth module from the serial port 3*
void readAnswer(void)
     Serial.print((char) Serial3.read());
boolean ReceivingMessages(void)
   String trama="";
   boolean state=false;
   if(Serial3.available())//Wait until something is writen in the serial port
    while(Serial3.available()>0)      trama.concat((char)Serial3.read());     

      for(uint8_t i=2;i<trama.length()-1;i++)
        if(i==trama.length()-2) Serial.print("");
        else Serial.print(',');
      return state=true;
      return state=false;
 * Configuration of the digital outputs for activate and deactivate the relays *
void SetupRelays(void)
  pinMode(EV_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_8, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_13, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_14, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_15, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_16, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_17, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_18, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_19, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_20, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_21, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_22, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_23, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_24, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_25, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_26, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_27, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_28, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_29, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_30, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_31, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EV_32, OUTPUT);
  //For security matters, all the relays are opened
  digitalWrite(EV_1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_4, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_5, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_6, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_7, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_8, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_10, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_11, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_12, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_13, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_14, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_15, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_16, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_17, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_18, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_19, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_20, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_21, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_22, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_23, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_24, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_25, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_26, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_27, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_28, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_29, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_30, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_31, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(EV_32, HIGH);
  Serial.println("The configuration of the digital outputs for the relays is finished.");
*This function opens and closes all the relays sequentially in order to test if they work or not. *
void TestRelays(void)
  for(int i=54;i>21;i--)