Saving the battery level on ThinkSpeak


This circuit reads the battery volt level and saves the information in the web platform ThinkSpeak. The data is sent to internet through a wifi connection sets thank to the module ESP-12 with the ESP8266 chip. This module can be programed using the Arduino IDE and it has several digital pins, one analog input, UART, WiFi connectivity, etc. For more information about this module, you can visit these webs which helps me to understand how ESP-12 works:

This device has a little 350mAh LiPo battery. It can be recharged using a uart-to-ttl converter like mine microUSBProgramming adaptor or using the solar energy with a photovoltaic panel.

The component who manages the battery charging is the MCP73831.

The code is based on the “WriteVoltage” example of the library Thingspeak. There is a lot of information here:

My first intention was to upload the information of a temperature sensor, however I needed to know how many time could this device keep working using only the solar energy. For this reason I adapted the circuit to read the battery level instead of the temperature. In the next picture you can see the circuit with a temperature sensor connected to the analog input.

1 x ESP12 module

1 x MCP73831IT-2DCI/OT linear charge management controller

1 x LM1117DT-3.3/NOPB

1 x 6V Photovoltaic solar cell

2 x 1N4148

1 x slide switch

2 x push button

1 x 350 mAh LiPo Battery

1 x green led

1 x red led

1 x 10uF electrolitic capacitor

2 x 0.1uF tantalum capacitor

2 x 4.7uF capacitor

5 x 10K resistor

1 x 33K resistor

1 x 2K resistor

2 x 680 resistor

1 x prototipyng board

pins , solder tin, wires...

This design has been built in a little perforated prototyping board.I have mixed conventional and smd components. I always used what I have in stock in order to not spend money :). 

The design is based on the NodeMCU circuit which has the same ESP-12 module:

Basically I have added the battery management and I have used an external USB adaptor. The schematic of the circuit is below:

The ESP-12 analog input reads voltages between 0 and 1 volt. It is necessary to convert the volt levels of the battery. Normally, the battery levels are between 3.5V and 4.3 volts when it is charging. So, the volt divider is made with two resistor, one of 33K and another of 10K, the equation is the following: ADC=(Vbat+R6)/(R9+R6)=(4.3+10K)/(33K+10K)=1V

The USB-adaptor used is designed to not damaged circuits that work with 3.3V. It has the FTDI chip FT232R. The two diodes 1N4148 are advised by the manufactured.

How the code works? The device is switch on with the slide switch. The WiFi connectivity begins and the ESP-12 tries to connect with the Thinkspeak Platform. The battery volts level is read and send to the ThinkSpeak channel. Then, the microcontroller falls into sleep during one hour. After this period of time the controller wakes up itself and the code begins again. Meanwhile, the battery is charging if the photovoltaic panel has sunlight.

The design of the circuit has a red LED connected to the GPIO0 of the ESP-12 module, however it is always switched off in order to saving energy.

The results can be seen here: The data is stored in the ThingSpeak cloud and it is update hourly with new volts battery levels.

After working with several WiFi devices such as Arduino YUN, Intel Edison, WiFly Shield, RN131, I have reached to the conclusion that the ESP8266 is the easiest one, fundamentaly because of the enormous community of developers and fans that share their experience on internet. The great cuantity of examples, libraries and information help to all of us to develop our ideas and experiments very fast.

The devices exposes here has been working for several weeks with out any problem, logging the battery volt in the ThinkSpeak Servers. However, after some days without seeing the sun, the 500mA/h LiPo Battery was not enough to keep up the sufficient energy to work. With a higher capacity possibly the decives would have not dead and have been alive during more days.

When there is not sun, the battery capacity losts between 10mV and 80mV per hour. The consumtion is very irregular, but the mean is about 20mV/h.


Reads an analog voltage from pin 0, and writes it to a channel on ThingSpeak every 20 seconds.
ThingSpeak ( ) is a free IoT service for prototyping
systems that collect, analyze, and react to their environments.
Copyright 2015, The MathWorks, Inc.
Documentation for the ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino is in the extras/documentation folder where the library was installed.
See the accompaning licence file for licensing information.

#include "ThingSpeak.h"
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

// On ESP8266: 0 - 1023 maps to 0 - 1 volts
#define VOLTAGE_MAX 1.0
#define VOLTAGE_MAXCOUNTS 1023.0
#define LED 0
char ssid[] = "--------"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "--------"; // your network password

int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
WiFiClient client;

unsigned long myChannelNumber = 82736;//bateria
const char * myWriteAPIKey = "-----------";

void setup()
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
//Blink LED
//digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

void loop()
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
// On ESP8266: 0 - 1023 maps to 0 - 1 volts
float voltage = sensorValue * (VOLTAGE_MAX / VOLTAGE_MAXCOUNTS);
float battery=4.3*voltage;
// Write to ThingSpeak. There are up to 8 fields in a channel, allowing you to store up to 8 different
// pieces of information in a channel. Here, we write to field 1.
ThingSpeak.writeField(myChannelNumber, 1,battery, myWriteAPIKey);
// digitalWrite(LED,HIGH);
ESP.deepSleep(3600000000, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT); // Sleep for 3600 seconds= 1 hour
//System.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP, 30);